说明有吸引力的女性是一个影响男性唾液分泌情况的刺激因素,能改变唾液的构成。另外有研究证明,在异性之间的亲吻之中,男性更喜欢有唾液交流的类型(湿吻)[2]. 在这样的情况下,湿吻显然会将男性的所分泌的睾酮传递给对方,因此对方性欲的改变。因此,唾液分泌的增加可以理解为求偶行为,为可能的性行为做准备[3]。
另外,唾液的分泌机制较为复杂。一般认为,唾液的分泌主要是由神经系统,特别是植物神经系统控制的[4],交感神经和副交感神经的兴奋都会改变唾液的分泌速度[5, 6]。也就是说,多种外界刺激、内分泌改变都会改变唾液的分泌情况,使唾液分泌增加,而唾液分泌速度在有刺激和无刺激之下差别在十倍以上:
[1] Roney, James R., Stephen V. Mahler, and Dario Maestripieri. "Behavioral and hormonal responses of men to brief interactions with women." Evolution and human Behavior 24.6 (2003): 365-375.
[2] Fisher, Helen. "The drive to love: The neural mechanism for mate selection." The new psychology of love (2006): 87-115.
[3] Mondragón-Ceballos, Ricardo, et al. "Changes in men’s salivary testosterone and cortisol levels, and in sexual desire after smelling female axillary and vulvar scents." Frontiers in endocrinology 4 (2013): 159.
[4] Proctor, Gordon B., and Guy H. Carpenter. "Salivary secretion: mechanism and neural regulation." Saliva: Secretion and Functions. Vol. 24. Karger Publishers, 2014. 14-29.
[5] Ekström, Jörgen, et al. "Saliva and the control of its secretion." Dysphagia. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011. 19-47.
[6] Emmelin, N., and P. Gjörstrup. "Secretory responses to sympathetic stimulation of the cat's salivary glands in a state of resting secretion." Quarterly journal of experimental physiology and cognate medical sciences60.4 (1975): 325-332.
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